The electronic complaint/claims must be sent to․
Dear Customer, in case of having any complaints or claims, please submit it in writing by hand or by post, as well as electronically by sending an e-mail to Byblos Bank Armenia's special inbox. The request/claim is considered received if submitted in writing (hand-written, sent by post), as well as sent via the internet.
The customer can submit written claims/requests by filling in the forms in any of our branches and dropping them into a box specifically placed nearby, or sending a registered letter with the claim/request to the head office of Byblos Bank Armenia.
In case an individual customer is not satisfied with Byblos Bank Armenia written reply concerning the claim/complaint, the customer who is a natural person, an individual entrepreneur considered as a subject of micro-entrepreneurship, or a legal entity, may submit complaints, arising from the transaction between himself/herself and the company to the Financial System Mediator to protect his/her rights. Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC has waived its right to appeal the decisions of the Financial System Mediator if the property claim requested by the customer does not exceed AMD 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) or its equivalent in other currency, while the amount of the transaction does not exceed AMD 500,000 (five hundred thousand) or its equivalent in other currency. This means that Byblos Bank Armenia cannot appeal on court the decisions made by the Financial System Mediator against the Bank if the claims meet the above-mentioned conditions.
For further questions please call +374 60 616100.
Information that can be obtained about Bank
Any customer of the Bank has the right to receive the following information about Byblos Bank Armenia:
Copies of documents, stipulated by Article 20, Part 3 and Article 43, Part 2 of the “Banks and Banking Law” of the Republic of Armenia.
Said information is provided by the Bank within five working days from the receipt of the written application if no other deadline is stipulated additionally. The written application can be submitted in the following ways: in hand – in the head office or any branch, by e-mail:, or by post: 18/3 Amiryan, Yerevan, RA 0002.
The Bank will charge AMD 50 per page if the information is provided in hard copy, and no charge if provided electronically.
If sent by post, the Bank will also charge the postal fees in the actual amount paid to the delivering entity.