• 27.06.2018
  • Announcement
Decreasing of the annual interest rate of easy save account

Dear Customer,

Please be advised that Byblos Bank Armenia cjsc (hereinafter the Bank) has reviewed the annual interest rate offered against positive balance of Easy save accounts, particularly the annual interest rate of Easy save account in EUR was decreased by 0.25 %. Due to above mentioned change the annual percentage yield will decrease.


Below is the revised version of the annual interest rate of Easy save accounts in EUR.

The revised annual interest rate of Easy save accounts is effective from 11.07.2018.

For additional information please call at 060 616100, visit our web site at www.byblosbankarmenia.am or any of the branches.

Thank you for using our services.


Annual interest rate Maximum Amount
EUR 0.50% 50,000


Byblos Bank Armenia cjsc


updated at: 17.08.2022 14:48
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